BOD Meeting tomorrow! Just received sms from Shermun. Lasts about an hour, usual spot at the pondok.
Get ready your drafts/proposal/whatever stuff for your department. Chop chop, Installation is in two weeks! TWO WEEKS, OMG.
Oh, and Rachel, if by some miracle you read this by tonight, can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring the list of schools for me to invite? Thanks a lot.
And the same to Matthew, except bring the format. Because...I thought the format inside the pendrive was for Aziemah's. Sorry.
Oh and any ideas for the creative departments, please suggest it at the cbox! For the badges, backdrop, gifts & souvenirs, etc etc.
Alrightey, I got to go, Add Maths tuition. DDD8
- Geraldine
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