Monday, May 25, 2009

Hari Keluarga

I have this habit of starting every post with a picture. Sorry!

Attention to all Form 4 BODs, there will be a meeting this wednesday after school until 2pm regarding hari keluarga. Mainly I wanna decide on what are we gonna be doing and where. Since every class diwajibkan to sell something, I think it'll be quite a competition so we have to decide things quick before they snatch up good ideas + location.

Cant let that happen :D

The reason why Form 3's arent welcome (sounds so rude T__T) to the meeting is because our president thinks I shouldnt pressure you guys to come lol! But anyway, it'll just be a small meeting. You guys will be updated on it so dont worry! Just concentrate on your exams and do well la kay :D

Please let me know if you cant make it. So maybe we could change the date or something if everyone isn't coming to school. But you better come okay!!! *garang face* lol

Funding Dir.
(signature here bla bla bla)
Sarah Ding :D

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