Saturday, May 2, 2009


zomg I almost couldn't sign in to the Interact account for about 1 hour.... scared me silly! O.O

Okie dokie, just a little update- BOD meeting on Friday (rajinnya, working on Labour Day) went smoothly, even if people were staring at the President and maybe stealing our strategies, too! LOL For those who could not make it and want to catch up to speed on what's going on, ask Geraldine or Sara for a copy of the minutes.

A reminder: ILTS (Interact Leadership Training Seminar) has been postponed to June, make sure you BODs get your awesome Men-In-Black uniforms by then! Also, since Mr Raja could not meet with us on Friday, the Rotarian meeting has been pushed back till further notice.

Our namecard design has been chosen! *mexican wave* Sub Editor Ping has sent it to be soft-copied, and apparently, since there are so many colours, it will be a little costly. But majority as no problem with it, so cross your fingers and hope it turns out perfect-o-mundo!

That's all for now. Next BOD/General meeting will be after Mid-terms. Good luck!

Nadia :)

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