Monday, April 27, 2009

Raising funds!


Yes as the previous post stated, i'm sarah ding your funding director! Honestly I dont really have the patience like rachel to put colours for fonts and such lol. I think its very ma fan :D

I sound very bimbotic and happy and like rainbows and butterflies but i'm actually not okay lol. I'm very quiet :O monologue sometimes too.... -_-

OK this post isnt about me! It's about what I expect/hope from you members - your help to make funding projects succeed. and also every other projects. I'm looking forward to getting to know every member. And i do wish everyone would just lend a hand in our projects.

As Funding Director, one of the main projects we have anually is Valentines Day/Friendship Day project. I'm sure many of you are quite familiar with how the process goes :

Go to the table, write your order, pay, recieve your orders on valentines.

I've actually thought of quite an interesting (and high tech lol) way to spice things up! I've decided to open a blog specially during our friendship day project period and have the order forms there! So that everyone or anyone could just order by just a click click click!

And of course payment need to be made the usual way :)

So yeah, tell me what you think about it! :)

Another kinda of a messy task is production. Which is when all this products are urm, produced? Honestly alot of members dont turn up during productions. But you have to! You got to! It's actually very fun to do stuff. To show your creativity and especially girls, i think you'll love it lots! I know I did this year :D thats why I picked this post as funding dir.! :D

I do hope you guys would turn up for productions in the future! Get involved and we'll all be happy together (lol i just crapped that)

Fund raising projects are coming up! (i think) Look forward to it just like i am :D

Oh yea...

A priceless picture of our president
is a MUST on the interact blog! :D

- Sarah Ding


YES YES, read the damn topic.

This saturday's (2nd may 2009) punya ILTS has been changed! Kindly be aware of this!

The new date would be : 6th june 2009.

But the date might just change again :)

Honestly, I myself also might not be able to make it lol. OK i really really dont wanna spend time writing this. I wanna work on another post! :D

- Sarahdingdingding.
Your funding director :)

p/s : Gee, im not sure about the label leh. please change it lol.

BOD meeting on 1/5

Reminder BODs!

It was determined in the BOD meeting today that the next BOD meeting will be on this Friday, 1st of May.

The details are as follows:

Venue : SS15 McDonalds Drive Thru
Time : 1.30pm

The meeting will take about 2 hours or so.

Please attend, yeah, cause Pretzel's gonna talk about the new way things are gonna be done from now on and also to brief the newer BODs about certain ways we do things. Yup yup, so I'd say this is pretty important.

Thank you. :)

- Gee (grenade)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update on upcoming Community Service Projects + some miscellanous

Greetings! *does the star trek finger sign*
Whoops, just kidding! Don't get freaked out and stop reading aite?
I've got some important things to talk to you about :)

OKAY. Now I'll officially start this post :D
I'm Rachel Priya, the incoming Community Service Director!
I'm guessing you know why I'm here already, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out =P

As the incoming Community Service Director, I've got a few ideas on the community service projects! But then again, I will definitely be needing your help so please don't forget to sign up for them. It's going to be lots of fun, I assure you ;)

We will be visiting orphanages, old folks home, doing car washes, a few school projects which I will first discuss with the rest of the BOD and we'll be visiting PAWS! :D I will also be planning a few major projects with the Rotary Club of Bandar Sunway, so get ready for a whole lot of fun and exciting events aite! :D

I'm so excited about every single project that I'm not sure which one should I do first! (:

Before I leave, I would like to present to you the list of the Incoming Board of Directors! :D So.. here you go:

President : Lim Zhiying
Vice President : Leong Yew Ming
Secretary : Geraldine Tong
Asst. Secretary : Sara
Treasurer : Natalie Yong
Asst. Treasurer : Shamenee
Club Service Director : Liew Sher Mun
Asst. Club Service Director : Yuvan
Community Service Director : Rachel Priya
Asst. Community Service Director : Eniza
I.U. Director : Phanit Suvanmani
Asst. I.U. Director : Melanie
Funding Director : Sarah Ding
Asst. Funding Director : Lisa Chan
Editor-in-Chief : Nadia Hong
Subeditor : Lim Hwee Ping
Sergeant-at-Arms : Eric Chong

Thank you very much for trusting us with the Interact Club, Outgoing BOD :)
I assure you, the club is in good hands.. *evil smiles* >=) MUAHAHAHAHA!
But seriously, it really IS in good hands :D
Thank you once again, your faith in us is truly appreciated! :D

Also, what do you think of the new Interact Club of SMKSU's mascott?

If you think he's cute, wait till you see the incoming BODs! :D


Saturday, April 25, 2009

BOD Meeting on 27/4

Attention to all the new BODs!

There will be an important BOD meeting on Monday, 27/4 right after school till 2pm at one of the pondoks near the canteen. Attendance is compulsory.

The meeting will be about the BOD uniforms, other BOD-ly stuff like nametags, namecards, etc. Also, our President, whom I shall now refer to as Pretzel, Zhiying wants to kickstart the new BODs. There's a lot to plan and talk about, so make sure you come!

- Gee

Layout issues + labels mega post #2

Okay, so as you can see, I'm re-using the old layout for now.

At first I wanted to change it to something totally new. I was on the verge of using this layout titled Validity. I like the links that follow you around when you scroll around. Plus the header looks like the draft Nadia designed for the 09/10 name cards.

But I consulted our dear editor-in-chief, whom I shall now fondly refer to as Ed or Donuts, Nadia. And we had a nice little talk and decided not to use that and stick to this instead. In her words, this layout is 'very official, unique and clear cut'.

Who am I to disagree? It is my baby masterpiece. XD

But no fear, I am going to change some things around. I will change most of the graphics, including the header image, the icons and the cbox image. Also, I will try to change the fonts or whatever, make it look nicer. ^^

Another thing, this is another labels mega post! We're not quite there yet, but this blog is getting pretty ready for public transmission. So I might as well put it up. ^^ A beta version though. So give all your feedbacks and comments about what I'm doing here, okay?

Note. Exams are coming for me, so I won't be able to get the graphics done as quickly as I would like. In the meantime, just enjoy the new, more organized posts, okay?

- Gee

P.S : I'm running out of ideas for labels. Suggestions? Don't create them yourselves! Just suggest some in the cbox! Some examples are as below.


People if this is the first time you are here, please read the previous post for a better understanding of what's going on! Sorry, forgot to mention. So sue me, it's 12am, my brain ain't working like it's supposed to.


Blogging Guidelines + Labels Mega Post #1

Hello everyone!

First post in the new Interact SMKSU blog! Cheers all round!

Currently under renovation, so there's really nothing much to see right now. But feel free to browse through the old Interact blog which shall be made extinct as soon as this one is up and running! :D

Right now, I'm using this post to add new labels to the blog to make it easier for everyone to search for a particular post or whatever. But I have to use another post soon, cause one post only allows 200 characters for labels. -___-


To the other BODs who has access and would wish to blog something, this is a list of things you can blog about:
  1. Interact projects. This includes but is not limited to information about upcoming Interact projects, post-mortem of an Interact project, your own pictures/views/ramblings about an Interact project you attended, etc.
  2. Announcements. Things like announcements about general meetings (GM), BOD meetings, productions, etc.
  3. Interact news. Anything new with the Interact club.
  4. Messages from the BODs. Want to send out a message to the Interactors of SMKSU? You can do so here but please restrain your language.
  5. Basically anything Interact-related. As long as you keep the more flowery and colourful side of your language to yourself. Otherwise, either Nadia or myself will have to delete that entry and have a talk to whoever posted that.
Although I would like to point out that normally, it would be either Nadia or myself who will post about Interact projects. Most of the announcements too, but sometimes both of us miss some of the information for a meeting, so if you checked the blog and don't see an update about a meeting you know about, please update! (Also, please don't make up meetings. It's not actually that funny and it would cause some problems for us.)

The others, well, you are welcome to blog about them anytime you like!

A couple of things I would like you to follow when blogging to makes moderating this blog easier:

  • Please include a title that is relevant and informative. Eg, if you're blogging about an upcoming general meeting, your title can be something like, 'General Meeting on [insert date here]'. Don't worry about giving crap titles; if you do it wrongly I can always help to edit it. ^^
  • Please include labels for every post. This is to make it easier for me, you and everyone else to search for a post later on. And remember, the labels have to be relevant to the post itself! Eg, you can't put the label 'pictures' for a post that doesn't contain any pictures, right?
  • Please do not create new labels by yourself! This is of utmost importance. No matter what circumstances you're under, you will not create new labels! If you do, you will make my life as the moderator hell. And in return, I shall make your life hell. *eyes all of you maliciously*

    Only use the ones I have created. If you don't know the labels, next to the blanks where you type in the labels, there's a link 'see all' or something like that. Click that, all the labels
    will come out. Then just click one to add it to the post. It's that simple!
  • Please leave your name at the end of the post. Eg.



    - Gee [Or whatever your name is]

Right now, that's all I can think of. But yeah, all the basic rules of blogging apply, okay?

And oh yeah, I forgot. I'm a stickler for proper punctuation. So sue me. But if I see a post with writings like this (HeY, I aM hErE tO tEll yOu...), or like this (hey,i am here to tell you this.please don't forget...) I am going to edit it. Just telling you first, to avoid you feeling hurt or whatever. Sorry, I'm just a neat freak like that. I like all my blogs to be organized and nice-looking.

Other than that, BODs, enjoy yourself! :)

Last warning/reminder before I leave,

Srsly, do not randomly add new labels as you please. SRSLY.

- Geraldine, your blog moderator (mod) ! A.K.A Gee.